Mommy Spotlight - February 2022

Mommy Spotlight - February 2022

Everyone’s journey to becoming a parent is different and special in its own way. Ashley was chosen for our Mommy Spotlight because her story of adoption and the wonderful mother that she is, is so admired by her friends. We asked Ashley for a few tips and here’s what she had to say.

What is your favorite thing about being a mom? I love seeing the world through my little man's eyes. His perspective on things are so fun!

What is your favorite go-to snack for your little? Fruit snacks. He loves all the different flavors and shapes/characters

Do you and your little have something you enjoy watching together? We love to watch Disney Movies as a family together

If you had one piece of advice for moms to be, what would it be? Don't blink! It sounds so cliche, but I think it's so important to enjoy every stage of parenthood. They grow and change so fast.

Tell me about one local place you enjoy taking your little (zoo, movies, a specific indoor playground) We love to go to the Airplane Park and Kangaroo Jax.

What is the hardest thing about being a mom? When he is sick or hurting. My mama heart just breaks when I can't take away his hurt 😞

Do you have any advice for parents or parents to be in their adoption journey? I would say to anyone going through an adoption journey to stay positive and surround yourself with supportive people. The emotions of an adoption journey are filled with highs and lows, but the end result is soo worth any struggles and our little miracle was worth every minute of stress. ❤️

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